As soon as I saw Doctor Strange at the cinema, I knew I had to make it. This is also my longest cosplay project so far…137 hours!
I must admit that I spent half the movie working out how I could make the costume for myself (also I may have been slightly sidetracked by a certain Mr Cumberbatch)
For my cloak detail I…
- Made a huge standard cloak.
- Marked out cutting lines
- Cut up the cloak into many pieces
- Sewed it all back together, with various trims & a velvet fabric in patches that I found at an op shop.
Created the lining by handstamping the fabric for 5 hours (with my husband’s help!), we created custom stamps and used printing ink. This was later finished with a tea stain for aging. I also added a hidden pocket into my lining for storage at cons!
- I found the perfect trim for Spotlight that I dyed red and coloured with a sharpie. This was handsewn onto the cloak edges.
- The collar was the challenge to keep upright, I used a mixture of interfacing and boning to hold it up.
- I added cornelli details to the collar, this used many pins to hold the pattern in place…and then it was all handsewn! There was LOTS of handsewing in this project!
- Andycamcosplay 3D printed and painted the clasps for me.
I learnt so many techniques making this cosplay, and the feedback was amazing. I even ended up winning Cosplay Active at Melbourne Oz Comic-Con!
For my tunic I modified a commercial pattern, I also wear a long sleeve blue top and blue leggings with this. The gauntlets have braids and bias tape for detail. The shoes were an op shop find, finished with bias details handstitched on.
Throughout my 137 hours of making this, I watched ALOT of Bear Grylls and Outdoor survival shows…some could say I have an odd taste in sewing viewing!
Overall this project combined lots of handsewing, material and trims. It features ne of a kind lining and cornelli detailing and I love the spin I added to this character design. I loved the entire process of making this cosplay, as handsewing is relaxing for me.

My original sketch and design of the outfit.

I used Prima Homespun from Spotlight for the base fabrics.

How my cloak originally looked, before I cut it up and and added the detail.

The added detail to my cloak makes all the difference.
Photo by Cospix

The lining was hand stamped using custom stamps. This process took about 5 hours to do. To age the fabric, it was later tea stained.
Photo by Cospix