Let’s take a trip down the path of the twisted Wonderland that is American McGee’s Alice.
American McGee’s Alice is a wonderful video game full of amazing visuals…and dresses! As soon as I saw the Royal Suit dress design, I knew I HAD to make it!
I used a combination of commercial patterns as a basis (and modified these) to create this dress (see my tutorial below), my Cricut® Air 2 machine and the Cricut® Iron on vinyl, fabrics from Spotlight and foam clay from Lumin’s Workshop.
I created this for the Bernina/Cosplay Collective Competition this year! As part of the competition entry I had to create some tutorials that can be found below:
Cutting Machines, Iron on vinyl and Cosplay/Patternsteining Tutorial
I was super excited to get started on this project…and what made it even better was my recent purchase of a Cricut® Air 2 from my lovely talented friend Lyndsay Makes. I was able to save so much time and get the finish I was after with the iron on vinyls (I was dreading making those tiny hearts on the sleeves and bow!)
There is over 100 hearts on this cosplay…something I am glad that I didn’t have to do by hand!
I have more exciting Cricut®/Cosplay Projects planned!

The back of the dress
Photographer: Cospix

Close up of the Cricut® Iron on details

The original in game dress design
(American McGee’s Alice: Madness Returns)